On a far-flung parcel of government land situated somewhere in the vast reaches of parched American Southwestern desert sits an abandoned and long-forgotten government facility known as Lost Cactus. At least, that’s what the shadowy agency—that operates there to this day—wants everyone from presidents on down to John Q. Public to believe.
Lost Cactus – The First Treasury

The first book in a series of full-color comic strip anthologies that feature the misadventures of the Lost Cactus comic strip characters. Meet Bentley the Bee, Ty the Dinosaur, Sammy the Squirrel, Doc, Cato, Penny, and General Fox, along with an eclectic supporting cast that wanders in and out of the storylines.
The comic strips, sci-fi inspired short stories, and acerbic commentaries in this book provide an original perspective on ever-evolving technologies, current events, and celebrity, mixed with conspiracy theories, paranormal, extraterrestrials, and urban myths.
Lost Cactus – The Second Treasury

Grab your tinfoil hat and settle in with a coffee—or your beverage of choice—as you’re about to read the next anthology of Lost Cactus comic strips depicting the continuing exploits, capers, and shenanigans of the comical cast of characters within these colorfully illustrated Second Treasury pages. You’ll also discover shared universe short stories, tall tales, urban myths, random brain scatterings, and highly sensitive intelligence deemed too incendiary for public dissemination, until now. Remember, the truth is at Lost Cactus.
John Hopkins

Cartoonist, writer, and creator of the Lost Cactus comic strip and a shared universe of science fiction short stories and humorous essays.
John leveraged 20+ years of experience as an illustrator and designer in publishing the Lost Cactus comic strip anthologies. In view of the fact that newsprint is disappearing from daily life, he decided to invent a new and immersive reader experience for his books with the inclusion of a shared universe of science fiction short stories, humorous essays, trivia and pop quizzes. The minute you open a Lost Cactus anthology in print or ebook format, you’ll know you have left behind the ordinary world and entered the highly-classified confines of Lost Cactus.
John is a member of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) and the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLI). He is a former member of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC).
My mission is to entertain readers with my unique cast of characters and storylines set in our ever-changing, modern world while tapping into urban myths, conspiracy theories, paranormal, rogue government agencies, celebrities, and current events to their maximum comical effect.
– John Hopkins